Thursday, February 18, 2010


What a terrible morning I had. We were all set to be "on time" to school, which is hard to do for some reason. I discovered that all of the bread was gone, except two heels, so I tried to improvise and make a vegetarian lunch. That didn't work because I remembered the kids are staying late after school today, so they need extra food. I decided I'd pick up a sandwich later and bring it to their class. Then on the way to school, there was a train, so I took a different route. What a chore. I ended up going to New Seasons and got a tuna fish sandwich (their request, thank goodness they agreed). I hate mornings.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

True and honest

This blog is going to include the activities of my family including my thoughts. They are absolutely true from my perspective. I have a lot of different interests, as does my family. Today we went to Tae Kwon Do. My daughter participates in this and my son did for a little bit, but decided it was too hard. This was almost 6 months ago and he has since changed his mind about it. He wants to participate again, but I haven't approached the teacher about it. He currently is involved in Hockey, which he really enjoys. I'm glad because my dad played hockey in high school and well into his 30's. It would be nice if he followed my dad's interests.